Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Howard Dean: thoughtless ranter

Last Friday, Howard Dean told the College Democrats of America, "The president and his right-wing Supreme Court think it is 'okay' to have the government take your house if they feel like putting a hotel where your house is."

The writer of the story, Carolyn Bolls, notes, Dean ignores the fact that the president hasn't appointed a single member of the current Court.

And more importantly, the "right-wing" members of the court were the dissenters in the decision in question!

How can an intelligent man say something so obviously false and erroneous in good faith?

Update: A Dean supporter (azizhp) takes Dean to task over the remark. And at the same guy's dKos diary on the subject (for those who don't know, Daily Kos is the biggest blog out there, and it's the haven for online leftists) one commenter states, "I'm 100% behind it. Why? Because it resonates, and I'm perfectly willing to go for a false statement that illustrates a truth."

Did you get that?

I'm perfectly willing to go for a false statement that illustrates a truth.

To his credit, azizhp spanked the commenter: "you are willing to disseminate a false statement just because it suits your goals? have you no sense of decency?"

Kudos to aziz.

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